Midlife. A Crisis or an Awakening?

Question: What do you think of when you hear the term 'midlife crisis'?

It’s my birthday today and I’ve been in deep contemplation (aka ‘in my cave’). This time of introspection has been both daunting and liberating. Entering the mid-fifties is not for the faint of heart…and I’ve had big feelings to sort through.

When you hear the term "midlife crisis," what images come to mind for you? Is it the clichéd sports car purchase or the sudden urge to switch careers, leave the marriage or have an affair with someone half your age? Or perhaps it's something more nuanced, more personal, perhaps a renewal? I'd love to hear your take on it.

For me, the notion of a midlife crisis feels like a simplification of a much more complex experience. It's not just about impulsive decisions or dramatic changes—it's about confronting questions of identity, purpose, and fulfillment. And as I contemplate these questions, I’m wondering: What if midlife is an awakening and not a crisis?

In my own discoveries, I’ve sat with big feelings like melancholy- questioning my life decisions, asking if I’m satisfied and happy…Feeling existential angst—realizing that I don’t have another 55 years ahead of me—so being even more intentional and purposeful. Feeling grateful and appreciating my health, family, community and relationships—my life is good. Lots of contrasting big messy, confusing and beautiful feelings.

I did what I tell you: to sit with it. Feel what it’s like to be you, having feelings and don’t bypass them: this too shall pass.

Needless to say, January has been an ‘emotional rollercoaster’ and a long journey inward and on this last day (of the longest month in history), I’m ready to celebrate my new era! Here’s what I know is possible for Powerful, Positive Change at any stage of life:

  • Self-Awareness: I find that with age and experience, we gain a deeper understanding of Self, our values, and priorities. With that wisdom, we’re better equipped to navigate challenges, set boundaries and make decisions that align with our authentic selves. Trust your inner knowing.

  • Re-invention: What a great time for renewal and reinvention! Whether it’s through career changes, personal growth endeavors, or relationships, there’s always an opportunity to pursue new passions and reshape/ redefine our life journey. Today is the day, now is the time.

  • Deeper Connections: Midlife often inspire us to cultivate deeper and more meaningful connections with friends, family, and community, which creates a greater sense of belonging and support. This may also mean shedding what no longer brings joy and peace. Love more, fear less.

So, what do you think? How do you view the concept of a “midlife crisis”, and what does it mean to you personally? I'm eager to hear your perspective. Thank you for indulging me!


#midlife #selfreflection #


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